
Thursday, August 23, 2012

why? Why? WHy? WHY?

         Sometimes, there's a certain person in your life and soon everything starts revolving around them. If you've been talking to them and its been good, your day goes well. But if things have been a bit rocky, your day basically sucks. Does this happen to me? I don't know. But if that's the case, I hate it. I hate it so much because I feel so insecure. But then theres nothing to be insecure about cause there's nothing there. But should there be? Even when there was a chance and I made sure it didn't happen but now things feel different. Why do I feel like I can be strong alone and that I'll be fine but then I feel like I need someone and that it needs to be them. Life is DAMN confusing cause it feels like everything is about them... WHY!!!!!!!

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