
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Immaturity on a Whole New Level

   Something that happens to be a pet peeve of mine: Immature adults. Now, I'm not talking about adults that can do stupid things and act funny and crazy. No, they just know how to have fun. I'm talking about the ones that don't do things by themselves when they have the ability to and act selfishly.

    I don't mean disrespect to my mother by this post but she really angered me today. Basically, she was supposed to go somewhere today. I had told her I was not going to go with her from the beginning. And there was a possible ride she could have gone with. But instead she thinks she can convince me. In normal circumstances, I would have agreed to go with her but I was honestly really exhausted. I had been out the whole day and I drove for almost 4 hours straight with a sever e back problem. I hadn't taken my iron pills and I was honestly about to pass out.
     My mother didn't understand this and was really insistent that I go with her but I was grounded in my refusal. Which leads to the bad blood that'll be between us two for a while. Plus, she won't let me do other things or go other places because I refused to go somewhere with her. Her reason for wanting to drag me along is because she's not good with direction but honestly, a lot of people aren't and she was going somewhere near our home. She got ready and then changed back. It was sorta immature of her and I know she's not the only adult out there like that. I know others too. It's annoying and takes immaturity to a whole new level.

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