
Friday, August 10, 2012


         What is true happiness? What is that feeling of ultimate happiness supposed to feel like? Once in awhile, when I least expect it, I experience it. It was a very special day yesterday but it didn't feel like it at first. My whole day was so busy. I was running so many errands and basically driving the whole day. I got a police ticket and was stuck in traffic for the longest time. I was with a friend which seriously made things better for me. I'm sure I would have cried if she hadn't been there with me. All in all, it had been a very tough day. However, when it was midnight and I was standing in midst of the crowd, for the curtain to open at midnight, there was this anticipation building within me. And when the curtains did open and I just caught a glimpse of them, I felt this burst of love, happiness, and security. I felt as if I needed nothing else in the world. I felt light and I felt free. I felt bliss and true happiness. Nothing mundane can ever give me this feeling. The feeling I felt was magical. It was outta this world. 

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