
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to School

     Well that's nothing new right? Everyone's starting to go back to school but I've noticed recently that there's this certain feeling where most students are really nervous about going back. That's how I've been feeling, my brother, and also a few of my friends. I guess its a bit nerve racking to see everyone after MONTHS. In addition to that, it's sorta still summer. That careless feeling of freedom and fun still hasn't left our systems yet. Plus its new professors and new classes this year. Even though, we may be going back, there are still new things to come. That feeling of being unable to tell what's to come before us messes with our nerves. I mean yeah, its always like that. We never know what's going to happen to us but at the same time, this is dealing with something that's happening very soon!

     It's alright to be nervous and scared but don't let the fear overtake your ability to face life head on! 

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