
Monday, August 6, 2012

Head attacks

    If any of you who read this are college students, you know what I'm talking about. I call em' HEAD ATTACKS. You're doing work or whatever it is that you do, and all of sudden, these head aches sorta just start creeping on you and then you suddenly feel the need to sleep but you have this load of work you need to finish and its just so aggravating.  You're just like, WTF? WHY THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN NOW? I don't know. I feel like this ALWAYS happens at the wrong moment. It's always when you have some bigass project or some important exam coming up and stuff. You can ask my roommate. Its not just me, it happens to her too. Maybe its the stress of the work. Study life is cray life is you ask me. Oh head attacks... 

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