
Saturday, July 14, 2012

I Just Miss You

Sometimes its impossible to admit things to yourself and to others. Especially when your pride is involved. Not just that, sometimes its hard to just admit that you miss and love someone. I miss someone right now. And its hard to figure out why I miss them. It makes me wonder, what exactly causes a person to miss someone or to constantly think about them. It can't be love because I'm pretty sure it isn't love. Or is it?

Only time will tell...


  1. It can be love, but a love that you feel for a friend, not what you would feel for someone special. I know what it is like to miss someone like crazy, even if you are busy, you try not to think about them, but what do you do? THINK AND MISS THEM. It gets so frustrating sometimes and all you do is cry. The important question is, does that person that you are missing, do they ever ever think or even miss you? If they don't, then why do we?

  2. i guess love can just be like that you cant help feeling for that person even though they dont feel the same
