
Saturday, July 28, 2012

All I Want Is Me

        I want to be strong. I want to be independent. I want to not rely on anyone. But none of this is really possible. Everyone needs someone. I've begun realizing that what culture teaches me about women may actually be strong.
        I didn't believe this for the longest time because I never opened up. When you keep yourself closed and  don't really let people close to you, Me, Myself, and I is enough. But once you start opening that heart of yours, its really over.
        My culture says, that women always need a man in their lives to take care of them. First, women begin as little girls that rely on their fathers. Eventually they grow and they have their lover/husband to rely on. And if they're unfortunate and lose their significant, they have their children/son to rely on.
        I hated to believe this and I still do. It's unfair that women should seem so weak to have to rely on men for things. But it turns out that I look for someone to rely on to this day. I have friends but its not enough because I don't have a father I can rely on. Because of that, there's this emptiness that I constantly feel and its depressing.
       All I want is me but it ain't working out. The truth is, me myself and I, its not enough.

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