
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Guys: Can't live with em' and can't live without em. Its annoying when you're dealing with the ones you don't know how to deal with. 

First of all, it doesn't help that I have issues with relationships. It seems like I can't really stick to a relationship. For me, its the game. I love the game. Getting them to like me, notice me, and fall for me. But once I realize that they've fallen for me, it basically ends there. I don't really like them anymore. 

Recently, I've met someone who drives me nuts. We flirt but it seems like I have to be the first to initiate contact. And sometimes he seems interested but then he doesn't. Its like, 'WTF DUDE!' I think what's bothering me the most is that I'm not winning this game. 

Was there ever someone I really truly liked? I think I may have liked him and maybe I still do. I'm not sure. But that was in the past, and I'm trying to move on. It just seems that, that's not working out for me. I seem to be messing other's hearts and maybe I should stop but idk.... i dont think i will just cuz i cant. 

1 comment:

  1. wow. well to be honest, I don't like people like these. I mean what if the guy actually falls in love with you? and then you just tell him it was just a game for you, you break his heart. And that's why guys call girl's names cause of that one girl who did that to him (and vice versa).
