
Monday, August 20, 2012


     Lately, I've been getting excited about the crazy things in life I want to do. I guess that happens as one grows up. They experience different things and see the different things there are to do.
      I used to feel really annoyed about growing up and all the responsibilites. But now, I feel excited about all the things I can possibly do as I grow up. Sooo for that reason, I've created a bucket list of crazy things I want to do in life.

> Skydiving
> Crash a wedding
> Get a (Motor)Bike and a License to drive it
> Enter a legit race
> Travel around the world
> Learn all Extreme sports(skydiving, bungijumping, jetsking, ski, snowboard, surfing, etc.)
> Meet a criminal
> Fly a plane
> Kiss a famous celebrity
> Get a shooting license and learn how to Shoot
> Create my own Batmobile
> Write a song that turns out to be a big hit.
> Fake Elope to scare everyone on April Fools and then maybe really elope
> Learn at least ten different types(cultural) of dances
> Tomato Festival in Spain!!

For right now this is what i can think of. haha.

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