Lately, I've had this red eye problem with my right eye. Its been that way for couple of weeks. So finally, my mom notices and we went to the doctor's. In the process, we were running late and my brother who had his dentist's appointment had to get it cancelled. He becomes all dramatic and mad about it. Which is what inspired me to share with the world on how my family is really dramatic.
Brother: He's basically crazy and weird. I love him to death cause we have sooo much fun together. But he's also paranoid about things and he gets scared about the stupidest things. He gets very intense about dressing right. Honestly, this 17 year old boy, asks me what he should wear everytime we're going out or something.. And then when he gets mad, he doesnt talk to anyone. He gets really pissed and he just does his own thing silently and gives everyone around him the cold shoulder which just gets annoying at times.
Father: He's basically the king of dramatics. I swear, this man takes everything LITERALLY. And he's just so insecure and always thinks negatively about every single thing. And then he has this thing where he thinks lame things are like the funniest thing in the world. Of course that's when he has to tell the ALL of his friends about the funny joke. And he falls for anything that seems miraculous and unbelievable. He honestly blindly believes things that make no sense.
Mother: This woman needs everyone in the house to ALWAYS be cleaning and ALWAYS be doing something. And she gives me and brother like no privacy. She always has to know each and everything. And disorganization basically brings chaos into our house like no other.
Me: I take each and every little thing in my life and seriously like magnify it. It becomes big and that's probably very stupid of me but that's how I am. Not just that, when I'm with my friends, I love being dramatic. Not dramatic in a sense where everything turns bitchy and its all about 'he said, she said' More like be fun and cray :P
but thats my dramatic family. LOL