
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Giving up

I haven't written here in awhile but hey, I'm back!

       Today I was thinking of how exhausted I am. I've been putting hours and hours of work into all my classes and I've been trying my hardest to reverse the way I deal with studies. It kinda drains you know?
       So there I am, thinking how I just want to give up. I want to really just leave everything and go become some sort of nomad. I don't wanna give a fuck anymore. I just dont wanna care. It all seems hopeless anyways with everything else that's goin on.
        But really as I thought about it a little later in the day, that's not how it works. It's not hopeless like that. I honestly have so many choices in life. There are so many others that are stuck in situations that seem more hopeless than mine.